Zarejestruj się na warsztaty EMC organizowane przez firmę NDN
Firma NDN zaprasza na warsztaty teoretyczno-praktyczne poświęcone tematyce EMC. Prowadzone będą przez przedstawicieli firm Tekbox i Rigol.
Data i godzina: 07.10.2024r. godz.9:00-17:00
Miejsce: ARCHE Hotel Puławska Residence, Puławska 361, Warszawa
Zarejestruj się!
Warsztaty prowadzone będą w języku angielskim.
Tematyka warsztatów:
- EMC Standards
Structure of standards, base standards for emission and susceptibility; where to obtain standards
- EMC Pre-Compliance Test Overview
Purpose of pre –compliance testing, types of tests, complexity and accuracy considerations
- Spectrum Analyzer
CISPR requirements for spectrum analyzer measurements; effects on analyzer settings and performance
- Conducted Emission Testing
Conducted emission test setups
- Conducted Emission Transducer Properties
LISN, ISN, CDNE, RF current probes, Absorbing clamps, Voltage probe and other transducers
- Radiated Emission Testing I
Test-house setup, pre-compliance setups using TEM cells and antennas
- Radiated Emission Testing II
Special cases of radiated emission tests
- Radiated Immunity testing
Test-house setup, pre-compliance setup using TEM cells and wideband RF power amplifiers
- Conducted Immunity testing
Pre-compliance setups with CDNs and BCI probes
- EMCview overview
Capabilities and features of the EMCview software
- The theory is accompanied by practical demonstration of setups