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Energy Micro zatrudni inżynierów w krakowskim Design Center


Energy Micro is a relatively young, yet rapidly growing semiconductor company from Oslo (Norway). The company provides low-energy microcontrollers and RF transceivers based on ARM Cortex processor cores. You can read more information from the official website:
Energy Micro is opening a new R&D center in Krakow and is looking for a person on a position: Embedded Software Engineer

Job purpose summary
This position is part of the Simplicity software development team, working primarily on low power software for EFM32 microcontroller and EFR RF transceiver products. You should have a strong ‘drive’ and be motivated to work in teams with other highly talented people. This is your chance to join a company at an early stage and make a big impact in a great company.

Key responsibilities

  • Development of application examples, drivers, software libraries and APIs, for low power microcontrollers and RF transceivers
  • Cross platform IDE support
  • Development of reference designs, RTOS support, middleware
  • Development of embedded software for RF communication protocols
  • PC-side support applications (QT-framework)
  • Kit firmware for development kits
  • Project management
  • Customer interaction


  • B.S. or M.S. or similar
  • 3-5 years experience in embedded software for microcontroller systems
  • Strong C programming skills required, knowledge of other languages and scripting languages a plus
  • Experience with low power systems is an advantage
  • Experience with various Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS) is an advantage
  • Experience with RF communication protocols is an advantage

You have most of the following personal qualities:

  • Enthusiastic and creative
  • Good analytical and system troubleshooting skills
  • Good written and oral communication skills
  • Team player
  • Fluent in English

Contact Urszula Pawlik at AG Test HR
Tel: 12 350 56 00 wew. 150

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