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Praca w polskim biurze firmy Energy Micro

Energy Micro is a relatively young, yet rapidly growing semiconductor company from Oslo (Norway). The company provides low-energy microcontrollers and RF transceivers based on ARM Cortex processor cores. You can read more information from the official website:



Energy Micro is opening a new R&D center in Krakow and is looking for a person on a position: General Manager Kraków Design Center

Job purpose summary

The Design Center Manager has the overall responsibility for all activity at Energy Micro’s Design Center in Kraków, Poland. The design center will consist of departments for embedded software development, Integrated Circuit (IC) design, and Technical Support. You must have deep technical understanding of embedded systems, and familiarity with IC design is a plus. You need to have excellent leadership skills and be able to recruit, motivate and lead a team of highly talented professionals.

Key responsibilities

  • Build world-leading embedded software and IC development teams by recruiting top talents

  • Lead and motivate the teams

  • Build company culture and create an attractive workplace

  • Act as program manager ensuring the success of all the projects running at the design center

  • Build a strong bridge between the design center and the Norwegian headquarters

  • Supervise the team leaders which includes all relevant tasks associated to a personal manager position such as:

    • Arranging personal reviews

    • Motivate the teams

    • Lead and being a role model

    • Recruit and educate personnel

  • Establish and maintain close relationships with AGH and other Polish universities

  • Establish the office

  • Administration, HR and budget for the design center


  • M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or equivalent experience is required

  • Strong technical knowledge of embedded, microcontroller-based systems

  • Experience from embedded software development and/or IC design

  • Experience from managing projects and leading development teams

  • Strong leadership skills

  • Strong combination of technical competence and business and customer orientation

  • Strong written and oral communication skills in English and Polish


You have most of the following personal qualities:

  • Entrepreneurial, self-driven, energetic and ambitious

  • Creative and visionary

  • Efficient and able to make fast decisions

  • Dedicated with a desire for getting things done

  • Quality conscious and reliable

  • Organizer and administrative skills (structured)

  • High level of integrity

Contact Urszula Pawlik at AG Test HR
Tel: 12 350 56 00 wew. 150

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