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Praca dla inżyniera aplikacyjnego w Energy Micro

Energy Micro – relatively young, rapidly growing semiconductor company from Oslo (Norway) – is looking for a person on a position: Application Engineer


Design Center Kraków

Job summary

Energy Micro is seeking skilled application engineers to help customers utilize the EFR and EFM32 products in their applications. The candidates must be experienced in low power wireless and/or microcontroller systems. The application engineer creates hardware and software design examples and system solutions for microcontrollers and RF devices including the associated firmware and documentation. The application engineer also provides technical support to Energy Micro’s customers and conducts technical seminars and internal and external training.

Key responsibilities

  • Development of hardware and software application examples
  • Writing of application notes, white papers and technical articles
  • Key customer technical support through e-mails, telephone conferences as well as on-site support
  • Technical 2.line support for Energy Micro and distributors Field Application Engineers
  • Hold technical product presentations on technical Energy Micro seminars
  • Internal and external product training activities


  • B.S. or M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or equivalent education is required
  • Experience from design of embedded microcontroller/RF applications
  • Strong combination of technical competence and business and customer orientation

Personal profile

You have most of the following personal qualities:

  • Self-driven, energetic and ambitious
  • Analytical and systematic
  • Team player
  • Dedicated with a desire for getting things done
  • Quality conscious and reliable
  • Good written and oral communication skills
  • Ability to build strong relationships
  • High level of integrity
  • Fluent in English

Travel Activity

  • Approximately 10-15 days per quarter

Contact person
Sebastian Żyłowski,

The official website of Energy Micro:

Polski portal branżowy dedykowany zagadnieniom elektroniki. Przeznaczony jest dla inżynierów i konstruktorów, projektantów hardware i programistów oraz dla studentów uczelni technicznych i miłośników elektroniki. Zaglądają tu właściciele startupów, dyrektorzy działów R&D, zarządzający średniego szczebla i prezesi dużych przedsiębiorstw. Oprócz artykułów technicznych, czytelnik znajdzie tu porady i pełne kursy przedmiotowe, informacje o trendach w elektronice, a także oferty pracy. Przeczyta wywiady, przejrzy aktualności z branży w kraju i na świecie oraz zadeklaruje swój udział w wydarzeniach, szkoleniach i konferencjach. pełni również rolę patrona medialnego imprez targowych, konkursów, hackathonów i seminariów. Zapraszamy do współpracy!